Don’t bark up the wrong tree! How to choose a suitable species for your garden
At Apex Environmental we spend a lot of our time dealing with tree problems, but on the flipside, trees can be a wonderful asset to a garden.
At Apex Environmental we spend a lot of our time dealing with tree problems, but on the flipside, trees can be a wonderful asset to a garden.
Arboriculture is a tricky word. For one thing, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. Also, we find that more often than not, most people we speak to aren’t entirely sure what it means. The first part, ‘arbor’, is Latin for tree. Simply put, arboriculture refers to the cultivation, management and study of trees and shrubs.
It’s starting to really feel like winter now, which means digging out the woolies! This week we were out in the elements a fair bit. One of out tasks was to carry out a BS5837 tree survey. This forms the basis of a BS5837 tree report, which is something that is often needed for planning and development. Here’s a flavour of